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Remember us in your will

LegacyLeaving a gift to DLF in your will is a way of ensuring that we will be able to go on helping the increasing number of older and disabled people who need our services in years to come.

DLF reaches over 1 million people annually with information that adds to their independence, personal dignity and quality of life. Those we help include adults with disabilities or age-related conditions, servicemen and women invalided out of the forces, and parents of disabled children. We are also a vital resource for carers and health professionals.

Our expert advice might enable a person to perform a simple daily task – e.g. bathing or boiling a kettle – that had previously been beyond them. It could even keep them secure and happy in their own home when residential care would, otherwise, have seemed the only option.

Our work is dependent upon the generosity of our supporters. Gifts left in wills (legacies) are especially important and are directly responsible for our being able to help one in every four enquirers. Such gifts may be big or small, but their effect is life-changing.

 When my mother had a stroke in 1968, I didn't know how to help her, or even how to begin to find out. DLF exists to fill that gap and I want people to know about it, what it does and how much better people's lives can be if they use the knowledge and experience freely available from it.

Miriam Margolyes

Miriam Margolyes

How we can help you

We have produced a information pack, which includes straightforward guidance notes on how to make or amend a will. We hope the latter will be of use regardless of whether or not you decide to include a charitable gift.

If you would like to order the pack, please email us or telephone the DLF Team on 0300 123 3084.

Legacy Leaflet

Legacies are responsible for our being able to provide enquirers with information on how to live independently, safely and with dignity at home.

Your gift to the future will help ensure that our life-changing advice services remain available to all who need them, benefitting over 2 million older and disabled people and their carers throughout the UK.
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