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The Alf Morris Fund for Independent Living


"Adding life to years through practical help"


In honour of an extraordinary life dedicated to securing social justice for older and disabled people, the Disabled Living Foundation is proud to launch The Alf Morris Fund for Independent Living.

Alf Morris, who died in August 2012, was DLF's longest-serving Vice-President, being closely involved with the charity since its inception in 1969. He rose to prominence as MP for Wythenshawe, became the world’s first Minister for Disabled People and was later ennobled as Lord Morris of Manchester.

He is rightly regarded as one of our foremost social reformers and his greatest achievement, The Chronically Sick & Disabled Persons Act (1970), transformed the lives of millions of disabled people in the UK and worldwide. It was the first legislation to recognise disabled people’s rights in areas as diverse as access, education, employment and mobility, and became the pattern for similar laws enacted throughout the world.

Yet in 2009, Lord Morris wrote: “There is still much work ahead if we are to fulfil the ideals I expressed when I asked the House of Commons to give my Bill a Second Reading 40 years ago.” He believed that people were too often forced into institutional care when, with the right information, support and advice regarding aids to daily living, their independence could be maintained.

The new Fund will honour Alf’s legacy by helping people to access the resources now available to keep them independent. The Fund recognises that fairness and informed choice are central to human dignity and its goal, to quote Alf’s own words, is “adding life to years” rather than just years to life.

To make a gift to The Alf Morris Fund for Independent Living, please call 0300 123 3084

Click here to learn about the annual Alf Morris Lecture.

For further information about The Alf Morris Fund for Independent Living, please contact DLF by emailing enquiries@dlf.org.uk or calling 0300 123 3084.


“DLF’s mission to help older and disabled people live independently at home has long been my priority of priorities. I believe there to be no worthier cause, nor one which makes such a tangible difference to so many lives.”

The Rt Hon The Lord Morris of Manchester AO QSO

“It’s often said that you can’t do anything in politics, but Alf demonstrated that an individual MP’s commitment to a cause could create major change in public life.”

The Rt Hon The Lord Owen CH

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