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Moving and Handling People: Behaviour that Challenges

Purpose of the Course
This course is designed for those who will be completing assessments and handling plans who may be required to assess those who present behaviour that challenges.

Course Length
One day. All learners must attend the full day to complete the course.

Learning outcomes
By the end of this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Consider therapeutic intervention and holistic assessment and understand reasoning for behaviours
  • Understand the legislative implications with regards to moving and handling actives
  • Know the de-escalation techniques and ways to limit trauma to the customer and staff
  • Understand basic breakaway techniques and how to use them when moving a person
  • Know techniques to limit distress to the person when moving and handling

It is recommended that learners have completed the induction programme. All DLF courses require a basic level of English language.

This course is accredited by CPD and each learner will receive a certificate of attendance.

Course Programme
The course aims to include a lot of practical elements, therefore the learners must dress in comfortable clothing. It is also essential that learners inform DLF of any medical conditions that may impact their ability to complete the practical elements of the course in advance of attending.

Further details
For more details on what is included in the course, please contact enquiries@dlf.org.uk or call 0300 123 3084.

We would like to thank all our sponsors for supporting the 2014 event

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