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Living made easy

Living made easy is an impartial advice and information website about daily living equipment (sometimes known as aids for daily living, disability aids, daily living aids, disability products, or even disabled equipment), and other aspects of independent living.

Living made easy's core value is impartiality. It aims to provide comprehensive and independent information about daily living equipment for the public. 

The site has been developed by DLF's team of occupational therapists and contains a great deal of useful advice for anyone looking to buy products that might help their daily lives, as well as videoclips of equipment in use.

You can't buy equipment directly from the site but you can get check pricing where available, compare items and get contacts details of all the suppliers of the item.


The website covers equipment for all areas of daily living including the stairs, the bedroom and the bathroom along with chairs and chair accessoriestelecare, household and kitchen gadgets and equipment for children with disabilities.

What you think...

At last: a website that enables easy access to the information required about so many different pieces of equipment - thank you DLF!

Keir Fuller, Occupational Therapist

Living made easy's advice and information is:

  • Impartial
  • Independent
  • Trustworthy 

One feature that may be of interest to visitors to the site is Living made easy's star ratings. When products are listed on the website DLF gives them a star rating. This is based on the standards a supplier meets and the quality of product information they have provided (e.g. have they told us who the manufacturer is, have they provided a price). In this way we hope to direct people to companies that are transparent about their pricing and have signed up to certain codes of conduct. We also hope to encourage other companies to sign up to them.

We are constantly improving our services, please tell us what you think of our new Living made easy by using this feedback form or from the site.

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