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Why work with DLF?

DLF has been the leading national provider of impartial advice and information on daily living equipment for almost 50 years. Every year hundreds of thousands of people seek our advice about items that can help them. Thus, DLF is one of the best ways for equipment suppliers to reach your market.

Why we can help you reach your market

  • DLF's websites are consistently ranked in the Top 5 in 'Google' meaning our websites get lots of traffic - all specifically looking for advice on the types of product you sell!
  • Every year DLF's Helpline service responds to thousands of enquiries from individuals looking for advice and information about equipment
  • All together, our websites (Living made easy Youreable Forum, DLF for Professionals and AskSARA) receive nearly 2 million visitors a year, all specifically looking for independent advice about daily living equipment
  • DLF operates one of the largest online community of and for disabled people in the UK (Youreable Forum)
  • Our database of equipment 'DLF-Data' is used by thousands of health, housing and social care practitioners across the country to source information on products

Those manufacturers and suppliers who support the DLF's charitable objectives find that they benefit from their association with us. These are your markets too; let the DLF help you reach them.

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